Why I’m Fearless

21 Dec

My boss recently wrote a blog post about “Being Fearless” and it really struck a chord with me both professionally and personally, but as you know I try to shy away from work talk here.  Throughout my entire life, I have been the fearless one in my circle of friends.  I was the first one to leave home and first one to attend college in a far off land. (Back then, those were pretty scary things to do.)  But, the fearlessness was also somewhat expected of me since I survived a fairly life threatening form of childhood cancer  (at that time anyway, medicine has changed for the better so much since then) at 7 years old. The cancer certainly made me a strong little thing and made me believe that if I could survive cancer that I could certainly survive anything else that came my way .  But as Todd mentions, you can’t be fearless without also being fearful.  Many survivors will tell you that it can be scary and a burden to be a survivor  and it’s something that you think about every single day of your life, and I’m here to tell you it’s absolutely true.  But it’s that scary factor that gives me the energy to be fearless and to enjoy my life, and to love, laugh, work hard and have fun twice as hard as ever before…because you just never know when that comfortable feeling might get pulled out right from underneath you. 

Enjoy the company of your family and friends this holiday season and uh, try being a little fearless next year. You’d be surprised by all that you can do.

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